Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do You Need an Immigration

Lawyer Or Can You Do it by


Working as a San Francisco immigration lawyer, I'm interested in how immigration policy may help or hurt the struggling economy. A bi-partisan bill, The Startup Visa Act of 2010, has been introduced by Senator John Kerry (D- Mass) and Senator Richard Luger (R-Ind). The bill is intended to assist global entrepreneurs in obtaining U.S. visas.

This isn't a simple open door policy. A foreign entrepreneur may be granted a temporary two-year visa (presently designated as an EB-6 visa) if they are able and willing to invest $250,000 in a business that they are going to startup. This may lead to a permanent visa.

Immigration Lawyer's


To be eligible for a permanent legal status, the entrepreneur must have achieved one of the following after two years:

• Have created five full time jobs in the U.S.

• Managed to raise $1 million in additional investment cash.

• Generated $1 million in revenue.

It has been endorsed by over 160 venture capitalists from around the world. This bill can, of course, have an impact on the economy in the San Francisco area as well as my practice as an immigration lawyer. At this point it's difficult to estimate how many entrepreneurs may take advantage of this opportunity.This could really have an impact on immigration from China.

Ways to Find a Good Immigration Attorney

A recent article on reported that a MIT study found that China has a higher rate of entrepreneurship than Europe and the U.S.They also have a high rate of business founders that are focused on high-growth. Those working in the high-growth area are starting companies that have at least 20 employees.In recent years, European countries have been focusing on encouraging more high-growth entrepreneurship.

Over the past five years, European countries have been working to create better business conditions such as tax incentive to encourage entrepreneurs.This bill is designed to bring innovators and job creators to the country. It's hoped that the U.S. economy, workers and consumers will benefit from The Startup Visa Act of 2010. As an immigration lawyer in San Francisco, I expect to see this law debated as is always the case with any change in immigration policy.
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Canada Immigration Lawyers

There is no need for engaging any lawyer or consultant to immigrate to Canada or any other country. If you have the right credentials in accordance with the immigration policies of the country you want to immigrate to, along with the acceptable documents to support your claims, you do not need any lawyer to plead your case.

But immigration is not simple. The policies governing immigration are sometimes too complex to be easily understood by immigration seekers. Moreover, lawyers can present your case in a clear and concise manner according to the laws of the land. This can help your case to be decided more expeditiously.

The question of choosing the right lawyer to represent your case is important. Most of the law firms in Canada do not have immigration lawyers on their panels. Therefore you need to make special efforts to find a suitable one yourself.

The best course is to contact someone among your friends and relatives who has already been well served by a lawyer in his efforts to immigrate. You can also see the lawyers' advertisements in the newspapers and on the Internet.

Tall and misleading promises are sometimes made by lawyers who advertise themselves as immigration experts. There is no way you can verify their credentials. If you find the website of a lawyer, you should try to see whether that site gives substantive and value-added information to guide you.

Eminent lawyers have many prestigious publications on the special field of their practice. These publications usually provide sufficient insight into their credentials. So when you select a lawyer, ask for his published books or articles in the field of immigration.

Information about the capabilities of a lawyer can also be sought from the bar council or association of which he is the member. Some of the prominent immigration lawyers may be office bearers of the bar associations. These lawyers are recognized as authorities in their specific field.
Direct communication with the lawyer may also help a lot.

You should not hesitate to ask for references of persons he claims to have helped successfully. You may also ask him his special qualifications and length of his experience.You should always ask for a money-back guarantee and a detailed written contract so as to avoid future misunderstandings.
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